Kat started life in a small town at the north west Greece, famous for its high mountains and mist. She happily moved to the much warmer south to attend University, where she qualified as a Life Scientist (2001). Inherently curious, she immigrated to the UK to study further the biological mechanisms of human heredity (genetics) and disease (immunology). She was totally anaware of yoga until 2006, the last year of her PhD. Writing a thesis is one of those cases where the brain is used a lot whilst the body minimally - imagine that prolonged for almost a year and with the added stress of finding employment; yoga is what kept her sane and healthy! Kat embarked on her first yoga teachers training course at Bristol City Yoga (BCY) in 2012, after several years of attending classes there regularly, mostly to deepen her own practice. Close friends as well as her colleagues at the University of Bristol where she worked at the time served as model students during her training period (2012-13, PT). After only a handful of classes, Kat knew that teaching yoga was something she wanted to do more of; she is currently training with Laura Gilmore at BCY for the 500h Hatha Yoga Diploma. The transformation that yoga has brought into her life made Kat eager to share these ancient teachings along with modern related scientific teachings with others; therefore she founded Science of Yoga.
* you can find out more about Kat's work as a life scientist on LinkedIn.